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Federal Maritime Commission

The document or documents listed below reflect the complete agreement as amended through the indicated amendment number, ordered in reverse chronological order starting with the current amendment. Amendments listed with MC are marked copies of the specific changes made by that particular amendment. Each amendment indicates the date on which it was filed, the date it became effective, and a brief synopsis of the purpose of the amendment.

New York/New Jersey-Port Newark Container Terminal LLC Lease (Lease No. L-PN-264)

FMC Agreement No. 201132

Synopsis: The Agreement covers the lease of a marine terminal at the port authority's Newark Marine Terminal. The agreement runs through November 30, 2030.

Most Recent Filing Date Filed Effective Date Synopsis
10/4/2007 10/4/2007 The amendment extends the letting of PNCT's rail facility to December 31, 2007.
2/7/2008 2/7/2008 The amendment provides for the Port Authority's approval to transfers and changes in ownership of Port Newark Container Terminal LLC.
10/18/2006 10/18/2006 The amendment extends the letting of PNCT's rail facility.
6/19/2006 6/19/2006 The amendment leases additional open area to PNCT for chassis and/or equipment storage.
6/19/2006 6/19/2006 The amendment allows PNCT to enter into sub and sub-sublease agreements for the purpose of obtaining tax-exempt bond financing for its redevelopment work.
6/19/2006 6/19/2006 The amendment provides for the letting of additional open area adjacent to PNCT's marine terminal.
6/19/2006 6/19/2006 The amendment provides for a start date for the leasing of open area formerly designated in PNCT's base lease and adds and/or corrects environmental language.
6/19/2006 6/19/2006 The amendment updates the lease to provide for dredging.
3/8/2002 3/8/2002 The amendment updates the ownership terms contained within the Agreement.
3/8/2002 3/8/2002 The amendment adds additional premises to the lease.
3/8/2002 3/8/2002 The Agreement covers the lease of a marine terminal at the port authority's Newark Marine Terminal. The agreement runs through November 30, 2030.