Synopsis: The Agreement covers the lease of a marine terminal at the port authority's Newark Marine Terminal. The agreement runs through November 30, 2030.
Most Recent Filing | Date Filed | Effective Date | Synopsis |
10/4/2007 | 10/4/2007 | The amendment extends the letting of PNCT's rail facility to December 31, 2007. |
2/7/2008 | 2/7/2008 | The amendment provides for the Port Authority's approval to transfers and changes in ownership of Port Newark Container Terminal LLC. |
10/18/2006 | 10/18/2006 | The amendment extends the letting of PNCT's rail facility. |
6/19/2006 | 6/19/2006 | The amendment leases additional open area to PNCT for chassis and/or equipment storage. |
6/19/2006 | 6/19/2006 | The amendment allows PNCT to enter into sub and sub-sublease agreements for the purpose of obtaining tax-exempt bond financing for its redevelopment work. |
6/19/2006 | 6/19/2006 | The amendment provides for the letting of additional open area adjacent to PNCT's marine terminal. |
6/19/2006 | 6/19/2006 | The amendment provides for a start date for the leasing of open area formerly designated in PNCT's base lease and adds and/or corrects environmental language. |
6/19/2006 | 6/19/2006 | The amendment updates the lease to provide for dredging. |
3/8/2002 | 3/8/2002 | The amendment updates the ownership terms contained within the Agreement. |
3/8/2002 | 3/8/2002 | The amendment adds additional premises to the lease. |
3/8/2002 | 3/8/2002 | The Agreement covers the lease of a marine terminal at the port authority's Newark Marine Terminal. The agreement runs through November 30, 2030. |