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Federal Maritime Commission

The document or documents listed below reflect the complete agreement as amended through the indicated amendment number, ordered in reverse chronological order starting with the current amendment. Amendments listed with MC are marked copies of the specific changes made by that particular amendment. Each amendment indicates the date on which it was filed, the date it became effective, and a brief synopsis of the purpose of the amendment.

Port of Seattle/Port of Tacoma Alliance Agreement

FMC Agreement No. 201228

Synopsis: The Agreement authorizes the Port of Seattle and the Port of Tacoma to establish the Northwest Seaport Alliance.

Most Recent Filing Date Filed Effective Date Synopsis
8/4/2023 9/18/2023 This Third Amendment updates the Charter to clarify certain issues related to finances, litigation and insurance practices, and process related to negotiations and funding of tribal agreements. This amendment also restates the Agreement.
9/1/2020 10/16/2020 The amendment updates the Charter to clarify certain issues related to finances, environmental responsibilities, and decision-making for legal matters.
2/2/2016 3/18/2016 The amendment incorporates by reference the Interlocal Agreement that created the Northwest Seaport Alliance and the charter for the alliance.
6/8/2015 7/23/2015 The Agreement authorizes the Port of Seattle and the Port of Tacoma to establish the Northwest Seaport Alliance.