Synopsis: The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize Volkswagen to charter space from MOL on its ro-ro vessels in the trades between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, and Germany.
Most Recent Filing | Date Filed | Effective Date | Synopsis |
012359-002-MC |
6/28/2021 | 6/28/2021 | The amendment removes any authority of the parties to jointly negotiate or procure terminal services in the United States. |
012359-001-MC |
8/10/2017 | 9/24/2017 | The amendment expands the geographic scope of the Agreement to cover the trades between the United States and all foreign countries. |
9/11/2015 | 9/11/2015 | The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize Volkswagen to charter space from MOL on its ro-ro vessels in the trades between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, and Germany. |