Synopsis: The Agreement authorizes Hapag-Lloyd AG to charter space to Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd. in the trades between ports on the U.S. East Coast and the inland and coastal points served by such ports, on the one hand, and (i) ports in India and Pakistan; (ii) ports in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia; and (iii) ports in Egypt, Morocco and Spain, on the other hand.
Most Recent Filing | Date Filed | Effective Date | Synopsis |
6/29/2023 | 8/13/2023 | The Agreement authorizes Hapag-Lloyd AG to charter space to Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd. in the trades between ports on the U.S. East Coast and the inland and coastal points served by such ports, on the one hand, and (i) ports in India and Pakistan; (ii) ports in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia; and (iii) ports in Egypt, Morocco and Spain, on the other hand. |