1 | 04/13/2022 | Received Complaint | Received Complaint | .pdf | 22-13_Complaint.pdf | | | 61111 |
2 | 04/13/2022 | Served Notice of Filing Complaint and Assignment | Served Notice of Filing Complaint and Assignment | .pdf | 22-13_Notice_Filingnosig.pdf | | | 61112 |
3 | 04/19/2022 | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | .pdf | 22-13_Order_Design_ALJ.pdf | | | 62142 |
4 | 04/19/2022 | Served Initial Order | Served Initial Order | .pdf | 22-13_Initial_Order.pdf | | | 62143 |
5 | 04/20/2022 | Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment appeared in Federal Register 87 FR 23521 (Initial decision due April 13, 2023; Final decision due October 27, 2023) | Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment appeared in Federal Register 87 FR 23521 (Initial decision due April 13, 2023; Final decision due October 27, 2023) | .pdf | 22-13_FR_Notice.pdf | | | 62172 |
6 | 04/27/2022 | Received Respondent's Notice of Appearance for Wayne R. Rohde | Received Respondent's Notice of Appearance for Wayne R. Rohde | .pdf | 22-13_Respondent_NOA.pdf | | | 62168 |
7 | 05/06/2022 | Received Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer | Received Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer | .pdf | 22-13_motionforextension.PDF | | | 63183 |
8 | 05/11/2022 | Served Order Granting Extension to File Answer | Served Order Granting Extension to File Answer | .pdf | 22-13.ExtAnsw.pdf | | | 63195 |
9 | 05/19/2022 | Received Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney Kristine Little for Complainant | Received Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney Kristine Little for Complainant | .pdf | IXT Notice of Withdrawal.pdf | | | 64209 |
10 | 05/20/2022 | Received Respondent’s Answer to Complaint | Received Respondent’s Answer to Complaint | .pdf | Zim IXT Answer.pdf | | | 64210 |
11 | 06/09/2022 | Received Joint Status Report | Received Joint Status Report | .pdf | 22-13_Joint Status Report.pdf | | | 66253 |
12 | 06/14/2022 | Served Scheduling Order | Scheduling Order | .pdf | 22-13.SchedulingOrder.pdf | | | 67261 |
13 | 10/05/2022 | Received Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement, Confidential Treatment of Settlement Agreement and Voluntary Dismissal of Complaint (with Public and CONFIDENTIAL versions of Exhibits) | Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement, Confidential Treatment of Settlement Agreement and Voluntary Dismissal of Complaint | .pdf | 22-13 Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement, Confidential Treatment of Settlement Agreement.pdf | | | 74477 |
14 | 10/20/2022 | Served Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement | Served Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement | .pdf | 22-13 Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement.pdf | | | 75500 |
15 | 11/22/2022 | Served Notice Not to Review | Served Notice Not to Review | .pdf | 22-13 notice Not to Review (not Signed).pdf | | | 77604 |