1 | 08/30/2022 | Received Complaint | Received Complaint | .pdf | 22-22_Complaint.pdf | | | 72380 |
2 | 08/30/2022 | Served Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment | Served Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment | .pdf | 22-22_Notice_Filing_NS.pdf | | | 72381 |
3 | 09/06/2022 | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | .pdf | 22-22_ALJ.pdf | | | 72392 |
4 | 09/06/2022 | Served Initial Order | Served Initial Order | .pdf | 22-22_ID.pdf | | | 72393 |
5 | 09/19/2022 | Received Notice of Appearance | Received Notice of Appearance | .pdf | 22-22_Notice of Appearance - Rohde and Sobotta.pdf | | | 72448 |
6 | 09/26/2022 | Received Respondents Answer to Complaint | Received Respondents Answer to Complaint | .pdf | 22-22 Answer to Complaint.pdf | | | 73457 |
7 | 09/26/2022 | Served Notice Of Reassignment | Served Notice Of Reassignment | .pdf | 22-22 Received Notice Of Reassignment.pdf | | | 73463 |
8 | 11/02/2022 | Received Joint Report of Parties and Proposed Scheduling and Discovery Order | Received Joint Report of Parties and Proposed Scheduling and Discovery Order | .pdf | 22-22 Joint Report of Parties and Proposed Scheduling and Discovery Order.pdf | | | 76550 |
9 | 11/02/2022 | Received Confidentiality Stipulation and Proposed Protective Order | Received Confidentiality Stipulation and Proposed Protective Order | .pdf | 22-22 Confidentiality Stipulation and Proposed Protective Order.pdf | | | 76558 |
10 | 11/02/2022 | Received Joint Motion for Protective Order | Received Joint Motion for Protective Order | .pdf | 22-22 Joint Motion For Protection Order.pdf | | | 76559 |
11 | 11/03/2022 | Served Scheduling Order | Served Scheduling Order | .pdf | 22-22 Scheduling Order.pdf | | | 76563 |
12 | 11/04/2022 | Served Order Entering Confidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order | Served Order Entering Confidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order | .pdf | 22-22 Order Entering Confidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order.pdf | | | 76568 |
13 | 01/18/2023 | Received Joint Motion to Modify Scheduling Order | Received Joint Motion to Modify Scheduling Order | .pdf | 22-22 Joint Motion to Modify Scheduling Order.pdf | | | 79725 |
14 | 01/18/2023 | Served Amended Scheduling Order | Served Amended Scheduling Order | .pdf | 22-22 Amended Scheduling Order.pdf | | | 79726 |
15 | 03/24/2023 | Received Joint Status Report of Parties | Received Joint Status Report of Parties | .pdf | 22-22 Joint Status Report of Parties.pdf | | | 83829 |
16 | 03/31/2023 | Received Joint Motion for Approval of Confidential Settlement Agreement (Public version) | Received Joint Motion for Approval of Confidential Settlement Agreement (Public version) | .pdf | 22-22 Joint Motion for Approval of Confidential Settlement Agreement (Public Version) 23.pdf | | | 83849 |
17 | 04/17/2023 | Served Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement | Served Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement | .pdf | 22-22 Initial Decision Approving Settlement Agreement 17.pdf | | | 85864 |
18 | 05/19/2023 | Served Notice Not to Review | Served Notice Not to Review | .pdf | 22-22 Notice Not to Review 19.pdf | | | 86934 |