1 | 05/08/2024 | Verified Complaint (Received May 3, 2024) | Verified Complaint (Received May 3, 2024) | .pdf | 24-19 Verified Complaint (served).pdf | | | 100876 |
2 | 05/08/2024 | Served Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment | Served Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment | .pdf | 24-19 Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment (signed).pdf | | | 100877 |
3 | 05/13/2024 | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | Served Order Designating Administrative Law Judge | .pdf | 24-19 Order Designating Administrative Law Judge.pdf | | | 100885 |
4 | 05/13/2024 | Served Initial Order | Served Initial Order | .pdf | 24-19.InitialOrder 13.pdf | | | 100886 |
5 | 05/14/2024 | Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment appeared in 89 FR 41967. (initial decision due: May 8, 2025; final decision due: November 24, 2025) | Notice of Filing of Complaint and Assignment appeared in 89 FR 41967. (initial decision due: May 8, 2025; final decision due: November 24, 2025) | .pdf | 2024-10433.pdf | | | 100890 |
6 | 05/28/2024 | Received Consent Motion for Enlargement of Time | Received Consent Motion for Enlargement of Time | .pdf | 24-19 Consent Motion for Enlargement of Time.pdf | | | 101938 |
7 | 05/28/2024 | Received Notice of Appearance of Robert Borak | Received Notice of Appearance of Robert Borak | .pdf | 24-19 Notice of Appearance of Robert Borak.pdf | | | 101939 |
8 | 05/28/2024 | Received Notice of Appearance of Andrew Spector | Received Notice of Appearance of Andrew Spector | .pdf | 24-19 Notice of Appearance of Andrew Spector.pdf | | | 101940 |
9 | 05/29/2024 | Served Order Granting Respondent's Motion to Enlarge Time | Served Order Granting Respondent's Motion to Enlarge Time | .pdf | 24-19 Order Granting Respondent's Motion to Enlarge Time.pdf | | | 101942 |
10 | 06/17/2024 | Received Respondent's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | Received Respondent's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | .pdf | 24-19 Respondent's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint.pdf | | | 103032 |
11 | 07/02/2024 | Received Complainant Peloton Interactive Inc.’s Opposition to Respondent Flexport International LLC’s Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | Received Complainant Peloton Interactive Inc.’s Opposition to Respondent Flexport International LLC’s Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | .pdf | 24-19 Peloton's Response to Flexport's Motion to Dismiss.pdf | | | 104070 |
12 | 07/09/2024 | Received Respondent's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of its Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | Received Respondent's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of its Motion to Dismiss the Complaint | .pdf | 24-19 Respondent's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of its Motion to Dismss the Complaint.pdf | | | 104093 |
13 | 09/25/2024 | Served Order Deferring Motion to Dismiss | Served Order Deferring Motion to Dismiss | .pdf | 24-19 Order Deferring Motion to Dismiss.pdf | | | 107292 |
14 | 10/02/2024 | Received Complainants' Verified Amended Complaint (w/exhibits) | Received Complainants' Verified Amended Complaint (w/exhibits) | .pdf | 24-19 Verified Amended Complaint (w exhibits).pdf | | | 107321 |